In-house training

Reduce your training expenses and ensure your company's compliance with LiberoAssurance competitive and effective in-company training seminars.

Engage your personnel, enhance collaboration and increase performance as you build a robust team of experts in your organisation.

You can select any course from our wide range and have it delivered to your team at your premises or at any location of your choice.

Choose from our list of in-house seminars and upgrade your personnel's skills and knowledge.Our expert tutors will take the time to understand your company’s learning needs so that we can provide a training solution that satisfies your business objectives. The seminars last normally 2-5 days depending on their volume.

Reduce costs: Choose the most convenient time and place for your personnel and avoid travel expenses and unnecessary delays

Focus on subjects that matter: Apply for tailor made seminar using a combination of courses that suit best the needs of your business

Engage learners: Based on our broad experience in the training field we use real world cases to increase participant's understanding

Learn from the best: As trainers on behalf of two IACS organizations, you will receive at least equal high quality courses

Contact us by email, phone, or fill in the application form and let us know:

The course(s) you are interested in
If you need any tailor made training with special focus specific subject(s)
Your company's address where the training will take place
The members of your team would you like to train and their details



Do you need pre-employment testing, employee inductions, compliance or network training? LiberoAssurance E-learning platform is the answer to corporate training. Choose from our broad range of courses and certify your personnel’s competence!



Group packages

Do you wish to certify a group of employees globally? LiberoAssurance offers to companies course packages discounts.



No. of course products


Discount 10%

No. of course products


Discount 15%

No. of course products


Discount 20%

No. of course products


Discount 30%



Tailored e-courses

Our training department can upload and design your course according to your specifications.

With a fine variety of training tools, testing options (such as standard online examination, workshops or assignments), communication tools, reports and continuous monitoring, LiberoAssurance is here to help you expand the capacity and expertise of your employees.

Whether you are working in a strongly regulated industry, or just want to educate your employees about important matters associated with your organization such as workplace safety, and job specific skills that apply to their positions, LiberoAssurance offers its expertise on the training field to develop custom courses based on the client’s needs.

The design of a course is quite flexible so keep in mind that the only limitation is your imagination, our responsibility is to deliver it.

How we do it



Our prices depend on the volume of course material and the number of users to be enrolled. As soon as you determine these two aspects, detailed pricing will be provided upon discussion.

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