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Train your people. Grow your business.


Marine Integrated Management Systems

This course was designed to provide the key tools on how to integrate management systems of ISO 9001 for quality, 14001 for environment & 45001 for occupational safety in line with the main maritime conventions and codes.


These three ISO standards are all based on the ISO high level structure and are a vital tool for every company in the maritime business in order to improve business performance and operations. The system integration guidelines of this course focus on ISM, ISPS codes and MLC & STCW conventions.

Learn how to implement integrated management systems according to the latest ISO standards and in compliance with the key codes and conventions in the maritime industry.


Aims & Objectives
  • Provide an overview of the new key requirements and benefits of ISO 9001-14001-45001
  • Deliver necessary information for the integration of ISO 9001-14001 & 45001 in a company’s ISO Management System in line with ISM, ISPS & MLC requirements
  • Deliver updated information necessary for the application and maintenance of a company’s Safety Management System that includes also ISO 9001-14001-45001


Learning Outcomes

Having successfully completed this course you will:

  • Be able to compare and map ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 requirements
  • Understand the connection between the ISO standards and ISM-ISPS-MLC- STCW (& TMSA if applies).
  • Have an extended knowledge on how you can integrate in one system the requirements of ISO 9001-14001-45001 and in compliance with the ISM, ISPS & MLC and other business operations in the maritime industry
  • Define the resulting requirements for the company’s Management System in relation to ISO 9001-14001-45001 requirements


Who should attend?
  • Personnel involved in ISO Management Systems
  • Operation, Technical, HSQ or Crew Managers
  • ISO & ISM consultants
  • Personnel involved in Safety/Security/Crew Management Systems
  • DPAs/CSOs/SSOs and assistants
  • Deck & Engine officers


Prerequisite skills & knowledge:
  • Experience in shipping and ship operations and knowledge of the ISM Code, STCW & MLC.
  • Knowledge of ISO 9001-14001-45001 management systems.
Relative conventions: SOLAS ISM Code, MLC 2006 & STCW 2010, ISO 9001-14001-45001 management systems


Available in-house/distant learning? Yes


Created by: LiberoAssurance Continuous Professional Development Training Centre Level 1 – Accredited by Univab
Marine Integrated Management Systems - ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 & ISM, ISPS MLC & STCW
ISO 9001:2015 Summary
  • About ISO 9001
  • ISO 9001 Sections
ISO 14001:2015 Summary
  • ISO 14001:2015 Sections
  • General Remarks for ISO 14001
Comparison of ISO 9001 & 14001
  • Common Requirements of ISO 9001 & 14001
  • Differences Between ISO 9001 & 14001
  • Comparison Table ISO 9001 & 14001
  • Integration Of ISO 9001 & 14001
ISO 45001:2015 Summary
  • ISO 45001 Sections
  • ISO 45001 Compared To ISO 9001
  • Common Requirements ISO 9001 & 45001
  • Comparison Table ISO 9001 & 45001
  • Integration Of ISO 9001 & 45001
Comparison of ISO 9001, 14001 & 45001
  • Common Elements ISO 9001-14001-45001
  • Comparison Table ISO 9001 -14001 - 45001
  • Integration Options
ISO 9001-14001-45001 In Maritime Industry
  • ISM Code and ISO 9001
    • Onboard Management
    • Bridge Operations
    • Engine Room Operations
    • Conclusion Regarding ISM And ISO 9001
  • ISM Code and ISO 14001
    • Application of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) From ISO In Shipping
    • SMS And Environmental Aspects of ISO 14001
    • Meaning of Environmental Impact
    • Environmental Aspects & Impacts Associated with Shipping Operations
    • Conclusion
  • ISO 45001 In Shipping
    • General
    • Impact of ISO 45001 on Board and Ashore
    • Benefits Implementing ISO 45001 In a Shipping Company
  • ISO Guidelines for Integration of Management Systems
ISO 9001/14001/45001 combined with ISM/ISPS/MLC (and TMSA 3)
  • The Essentials
  • How to Start Integration ISO & ISM-ISPS-MLC
  • Integration Sections for Consideration
    • Objectives and Policies
    • Responsibilities and Authorities
    • Designated Person Ashore
    • Master’s Responsibility and Authority
    • Mandatory Requirements, Laws and Regulations
    • Planning Key Operations
    • Emergency Preparedness
    • Main Operations
    • Management Systems
Proposal for Integration ISO 9001-14001-15001 with ISM-STCW-MLC
  • General
  • Integration Guidance
  • ISM – STCW – MLC Comparison


Exam & Certification
  • Exam on“Marine Integrated Management Systems ISO 9001-14001-45001 & ISM-ISPS-MLC”
  • “ISO 9001-14001-45001 & ISM-ISPS-MLC” Certificate
Teaching Methods
  • Detailed seminar presentations (Available for download)
  • Terms and definitions
  • No. of slides: 201


  • Reading lists and resources available in presentations


Study time allocation
  • Private study hours: 24
  • Trainer contact hours: Availability and competence of instructors upon request
  • Enrollment duration: 90 days (from the date of purchase)


  • CPD Points: 24
  • ECTS/ECVET Points:0.8


Assessment methods


% contribution to final mark

% Minimum passing grade

Exam for “Marine Integrated Management Systems ISO 9001-14001-45001 & ISM-ISPS-MLC-STCW”





On successful completion of the course assessment, participants will be issued with a ‘Certificate of Success’


   100% Online course
   CPD Accredited eCertificate – Global acceptance
   Downloadable course material
   E-learning Mobile App
   Enrolment: 3 months
   Flexible schedule
   Language: English

250,00 € each

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