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Train your people. Grow your business.


Harassment and Bullying Training

This course was designed to deliver an extensive presentation and analysis of the Harassment and Bullying phenomenon taking into account the latest amendments of MLC 2006 and STCW 2010, requirements, key points, interpretations as well as certification and self-assessment procedures.


Straighten your knowledge in the latest for Harassment and Bullying main points, protect the seafarers and achieve compliance with our “Harassment and Bullying” course.


The trainees successfully completing this course will be able to demonstrate their knowledge on the new requirements and follow the key steps towards compliance.


The course includes the following main topics:


  • Harassment and Bullying  (H+B)

Understand the background, requirements and the main areas of MLC and STCW in respect H&B. Learn to define and proceed with the steps necessary to ensure compliance, use the tools and knowledge provided, understand how the MLC 2006 and STCW 2010 latest requirements are interrelated.


  • Exams & Certification: Receive your “Harassment and Bullying” Certificate upon successful exam completion.



Aims & Objectives

These guidelines aim to assist companies to:

  • Develop policies and plans to eliminate harassment and bullying on board ships; and

  • Involve its seafarers and/or seafarers’ organisations in this process.

  • Where appropriate and taking account of national legal systems, company policies on harassment and bullying should be incorporated into collective bargaining agreements.

Also these guidelines aim to assist seafarers to:

    Recognise examples of harassment and/or bullying;

  Identify incidents through the use of effective grievance procedures;

  Get involved in situations where they see other seafarers being harassed and bullied in the workplace to support them when necessary;

  Avoid bullying and harassing others;

  Report if bullying and harassment is observed or experienced;

  Apply and comply with the company’s policies;

  Use the company’s procedures on bullying and harassment;

  Seek help and support when necessary from seafarers’ organisations and other welfare bodies; and

  Appreciate the benefits of a workplace free from harassment and bullying.


Learning Outcomes

Having successfully completed this course you will:

  • acquire a deep understanding of the content, key points, background, purpose, objectives, benefits, responsibilities and activities of  MLC 2006  and STCW 2010 in respect Harassment and Bullying

  • unlock the skills to determine and apply effective anti Harassment & Bullying practices aboard and ashore

  • improve your ability to define the roles and responsibilities of shipowners, ship managers, ships’ masters, ships’ officers, flag and port state officials, and welfare organisations in respect H & B

learn and apply the necessary actions to deter and eliminate H & B


Who should attend?

·         Ship Management Companies

·         Seafarers

·         Shipowners

·         Flag / Port State officials

·         Manning Agents

·         Crew Managers

·         Operation & Training Managers

·         Human resources Managers

  • Anyone whose duties cover matters of safe working conditions on board ships and compliance with the MLC

Relative conventions: MLC 2006 as amended


Prerequisite skills & knowledge:
  • Basic Knowledge for the basics of MLC 2006 and STCW 2010 (preferably)

Available in-house/distant learning? Yes


Created by: LiberoAssurance Continuous Professional Development Training Centre Level 1, Accredited by UNIVAB



Harassment and Bullying


1. Introduction

1.1 What is Harassment

1.2 What is Bullying


2. Discrimination at work

2.1 What discrimination means

2.2 How and when discrimination can happen

2.3 Vicarious liability

2.4 Direct discrimination

2.5 Indirect discrimination

2.6 If you have been discriminated against at work

2.7 Harassment

2.8 Victimisation


3. Bullying

3.1 Definition and types of bullying

3.2 Characteristics of bullying

3.3 Effects of bullying

3.4 Dark triad and bullying

3.5 Projection and bullying

3.6 Emotional intelligence and bullying

3.7 Context of bullying

3.8 Prevention

3.9 Responses


4. Handling bullying and discrimination

4.1 Approaching a complaint

4.2 Informal complaints

4.3 Formal complaints

4.4 Supporting employees

4.5 After handling a complaint

4.6 Making a claim to an employment tribunal


5. Mediation at work

5.1 What mediation is and how it can help

5.2 Introducing mediation at work


6. Questions about discrimination at work

6.1 Asking your employer

6.2 Answering your employee


7. Talking to your employer about a problem

7.1 How to raise a problem

7.2 Informal meetings


8. Measures to eliminate harassment and bullying


9. Communication and awareness


10. MLC 2006 New Amendments

10.1 Seafarer complaints

10.2 Standard A4.2.1 – Shipowner’s Liability

10.3 Standard A4.2.2 – Treatment of Contractual Claims

10.4 Appendices A4-1 and B4-1

10.5 Changes to DMLC part I & II

10.6 Latest MLC Requirements

10.7 Some Reference Documents & Links


11. STCW Requirements for Harassment and Bullying

11.1 Results of MSC 107 & 108 in respect Harassment & Bullying

11.2 New STCW requirements (Table A-VI/1-4 in part A of the STCW Code)


12. Appendices

12.1 Example Company Policy on Harassment and Bullying

12.2 Case studies

12.3 Sample Complain form

Exam & Certification
  • Exam on H & B course
  • H & B Certificate

Teaching Methods
  • Detailed seminar presentations (Available for download)
  • No. of Slides: 229

Reading list & Resources: Available in the presentations

Study time allocation

Private study hours: 27

Period of enrolment: 3 months

Trainer contact hours: Availability and Competence of instructors upon request


CPD points: 27

ECTS/ECVET Points: 0.9


Assessment methods


% contribution to final mark

% Minimum passing grade

Exam on  ISPS Port Facility Security Officer 





On successful completion of the course assessment, participants will be issued with a ‘Certificate of Success’


   100% Online course
   CPD Accredited eCertificate – Global acceptance
   Downloadable course material
   E-learning Mobile App
   Enrolment: 3 months
   Flexible schedule
   Language: English

200,00 € each

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