This course is designed by LiberoAssurance Training Team for Officers, Designated Persons, Managers, PSC Surveyors and personnel involved who seek to comprehend what is considered to be a hazardous material as well as the proper handling of dangerous goods in transportation. The course is based on IMO model courses 1.10 and 3.18 according to the training requirements of IMDG Code 2018 Edition (Chapter 1.3), CFR 49 SubTitle B Chapter I sub chapter C part 176, STCW Section A-II/ & A-II/2 and SOLAS Ch VII.
The IMDG Code requires that employers provide training to any employee handling dangerous goods at two levels:
Refer to the IMDG training schedule in section of the IMDG Code to check the functions in which personnel are expected to be competent.
Develop a sound understanding on hazardous cargo management through our “Handling of Dangerous Goods On-Board” course.