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Certificates & Documents on board ships

This course is designed by LiberoAssurance Training Team for Officers, Designated Persons, Managers, PSC Officers, Surveyors and any kind of personnel involved in shipping who seek to understand what certificates and Documents are required to be carried on board all ships according to IMO resolutions and codes, pertaining to its registry, measurement, safety, manning, classification and other related matters.


Through our Certificates & Documents on board Ships course you will develop a sound understanding on the certification requirements as per IMO and their applicability.


Aims & Objectives
  • Equips participants with the up-to-date Certification & Documentation requirements
  • Provides a detailed outline of certificates and documentation requirements for all types of vessels


Learning Outcomes

Having successfully completed this course you will familiarize and understand the updated IMO requirements relevant to:

  • The types of certificates and additional documents (manuals, plans etc) required for each type of vessel
  • Documents, Plans Training Manuals and Records Books applicable
  • The certificates checked by PSC
  • The mandatory certificates as per MLC 2006 and ILO Conventions


Who should attend?
  • Officers
  • Technical Managers
  • Operation Managers
  • Designated Persons
  • PSC Surveyors
  • Personnel responsible for ISM/ISPS/MLC implementation
  • Personnel, who are involved in the selection of Officers, Designated Persons and Operational Managers, are strongly recommend to attend


Prerequisite skills & knowledge: Basic knowledge of ISM/ISPS/MLC 2006/SOLAS/MARPOL/STCW


Relative Conventions, Codes and Standards: ISM/ISPS/MLC 2006/SOLAS/MARPOL/STCW


Available in-house/distant learning? Yes


Created by: LiberoAssurance Continuous Professional Development Training Centre Level 1- Accredited by Univab

PART A: Certificates and Documents Required on Board All Ships

All ships to which the referenced convention applies
  • International Tonnage Certificate (1969)
  • International Load Line Certificate
  • International Load Line Exemption Certificate
  • Exemption Certificate
  • Coating Technical File
  • Emergency Towing Procedure
  • Construction drawings
  • Ship Construction File
  • Noise Survey Report
  • Stability information
  • Damage control plans and booklets
  • Manoeuvring booklet
  • Evaluation of the alternative design and arrangements
  • Maintenance plans
  • Onboard training and drills record
  • Fire safety training manual
  • Fire control plan/booklet
  • Fire safety operational booklet
  • Operations manual for helicopter facility
  • Statement of acceptance of the installation of replacement release and retrieval system to an existing lifeboat
  • Muster list and emergency instructions
  • Ship-specific Plans and Procedures for Recovery of Persons from the Water
  • Training manual
  • Radio record
  • Minimum safe manning document
  • Voyage data recorder system – certificate of compliance
  • AIS test report
  • Nautical charts and nautical publications
  • LRIT conformance test report
  • International Code of Signals and a copy of Volume III of IAMSAR Manual
  • Records for pilot ladders used for pilot transfer
  • Records of navigational activities
  • Cargo Securing Manual
  • Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
  • Safety Management Certificate
  • Document of Compliance
  • Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR)
  • Ship Security Plan and associated records
  • International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) or Interim International Ship Security Certificate
  • International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
  • Oil Record Book
  • Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
  • International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate
  • Document of approval for the rate of sewage discharge
  • Garbage Management Plan
  • Garbage Record Book
  • International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate
  • International Energy Efficiency Certificate
  • Ozone-depleting Substances Record Book
  • Fuel Oil Changeover Procedure and Logbook (record of fuel changeover)
  • Manufacturer's Operating Manual for Incinerators
  • Bunker Delivery Note and Representative Sample
  • EEDI Technical File
  • Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)
  • Technical File
  • Record Book of Engine Parameters
  • Certificates for masters, officers or ratings
  • Records of daily hours of rest
  • International Anti-fouling System Certificate
  • Declaration on Anti-fouling System
  • International Ballast Water Management Certificate
  • Ballast Water Management Plan
  • Ballast Water Record Book
  • Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for bunker oil pollution damage
  • Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of liability for the removal of wrecks
In addition to the certificates listed in 1.1, passenger ships shall carry:
  • Passenger Ship Safety Certificate
  • Decision support system for masters
  • Search and rescue cooperation plan
  • List of operational limitations
  • Special Trade Passenger Ship Safety Certificate, Special Trade Passenger Ship Space Certificate
  • Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of liability for the death of and personal injury to passengers
In addition to the certificates listed in 1.1, cargo ships shall carry:
  • Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate
  • Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate
  • Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate
  • Cargo Ship Safety Certificate
  • Ship Structure Access Manual
  • Cargo Information
  • Bulk Carrier Booklet
  • Document of authorization for the carriage of grain and grain loading manual
  • Enhanced survey report file
  • Dedicated Clean Ballast Tank Operation Manual
  • Condition Assessment Scheme (CAS) Statement of Compliance, CAS Final Report and Review Record
  • Subdivision and stability information
  • Record of oil discharge monitoring and control system for the last ballast voyage
  • Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control (ODMC) Operational Manual
  • Crude Oil Washing Operation and Equipment Manual (COW Manual)
  • STS Operation Plan and Records of STS Operations
  • VOC Management Plan
  • Document of approval for the stability instrument
  • Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for oil pollution damage
In addition to the certificates listed in 1.1 and 1.3, where applicable, any ship carrying noxious liquid chemical substances in bulk shall carry:
  • International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk (NLS Certificate)
  • Cargo Record Book
  • Procedures and Arrangements Manual (P & A Manual)
  • Shipboard Marine Pollution
  • Emergency Plan for Noxious Liquid Substances
In addition to the certificates listed in 1.1 and 1.3, where applicable, any ship chemical tanker shall carry:
  • Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
  • International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
In addition to the certificates listed in 1.1 and 1.3, where applicable, any ship gas carrier shall carry:
  • Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk
  • International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk
In addition to the certificates listed in 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3, where applicable, any high-speed craft shall carry:
  • High-Speed Craft Safety Certificate
  • Permit to Operate High-Speed Craft
Additional Certificates for Dynamically Supported Craft and high-speed crafts:
  • DSC Vessels
    • Type Rating Certificate
    • Type Rating Records of Training
    • Record of training according to DSC Code
    • Permit to Operate
    • Dynamically Supported Craft Construction & Equipment Certificate
  • HSC Vessels
    • Type Rating Certificate
    • Type Rating Records of Training
    • Record of training according to HSC Code
    • Permit to Operate
    • High Speed Craft Construction & Equipment Certificate
In addition to the certificates listed in 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3, where applicable, any ship carrying dangerous goods shall carry:
  • Document of compliance with the special requirements for ships carrying dangerous goods
In addition to the certificates listed in 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3, where applicable, any ship carrying dangerous goods in packaged form shall carry:
  • Transport information
  • Dangerous goods manifest or stowage plan
In addition to the certificates listed in 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3, where applicable, any ship carrying INF cargo shall carry:
  • International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of INF Cargo
In addition to the certificates listed in 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3, where applicable, any Nuclear Ship shall carry:
  • Operating Manual for nuclear power plant
  • A Nuclear Cargo Ship Safety Certificate or Nuclear Passenger Ship Safety Certificate, in place of the Cargo Ship Safety Certificate or Passenger Ship Safety Certificate, as appropriate
In addition to the certificates listed in 1, 2 and 3, any Ship operating in Polar waters shall carry:
  • Polar Ship Certificate
  • Polar Water Operational Manual (PWOM)
Other certificates and documents which are not mandatory
  • Special purpose ships
    • Special Purpose Ship Safety Certificate
    • Offshore support vessels
    • Offshore Supply Vessel Document of Compliance
    • Certificate of Fitness for Offshore Support Vessels
  • Diving systems
    • Diving System Safety Certificate
  • Passenger submersible craft
    • Safety Compliance Certificate for Passenger Submersible Craft
  • Mobile offshore drilling units
    • Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit Safety Certificate
    • Wing-In-Ground (WIG) Craft
    • Wing–in–ground Craft Safety Certificate
    • Permit to Operate WIG Craft
  • Noise levels
    • Noise Survey Report
Certificates and documents which are often checked during PSC

PART B: Certificates and Documents required On Board Cargo Ships

  • International Tonnage Certificate (1969)
  • International Load Line Certificate
  • International Load Line Exemption Certificate
  • Coating Technical File
  • Construction drawings
  • Ship Construction File
  • Stability information
  • Damage control plans and booklets
  • Minimum safe manning document
  • Fire safety training manual
  • Fire control plan/booklet
  • Onboard training and drills record
  • Fire safety operational booklet
  • Training manual
  • Nautical charts and nautical publications
  • International Code of Signals and a copy of Volume III of IAMSAR Manual
  • Records of navigational activities
  • Manoeuvring booklet
  • Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
  • AIS test report
  • LRIT conformance test report
  • Certificates for masters, officers or ratings
  • Records of hours of rest
  • International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
  • Oil Record Book
  • Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
  • International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate
  • Garbage Management Plan
  • Garbage Record Book
  • International Code of Signals and a copy of Volume III of IAMSAR Manual
  • Records of navigational activities
  • Manoeuvring booklet
  • Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
  • AIS test report
  • LRIT conformance test report
  • Certificates for masters, officers or ratings
  • Records of hours of rest
  • International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
  • Oil Record Book
  • Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
  • International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate
  • Garbage Management Plan
  • Garbage Record Book
  • Voyage data recorder system – certificate of compliance
  • Cargo Securing Manual
  • Document of Compliance
  • Safety Management Certificate
  • International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) or Interim International Ship Security Certificate
  • Ship Security Plan and associated records
  • Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR)
  • International Anti-fouling System Certificate
  • Declaration on Anti-fouling System
  • International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate
  • International Energy Efficiency Certificate
  • Ozone-depleting Substances Record Book
  • Fuel Oil Changeover Procedure and Logbook (record of fuel changeover
  • Manufacturer's Operating Manual for Incinerators
  • Bunker Delivery Note and Representative Sample
  • Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)
  • EEDI Technical File
  • Technical File
  • Record Book of Engine Parameters
  • Exemption Certificate
  • Noise Survey Report
  • Ship-specific Plans and Procedures for Recovery of Persons from the Water
  • Emergency Towing Procedure Manual
  • Statement of Acceptance of the Installation of Replacement Release and Retrieval System to an existing lifeboat
  • Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate
  • Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate
  • Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate
  • Cargo Ship Safety Certificate
  • Document of authorization for the carriage of grain and grain loading manual
  • Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for oil pollution damage
  • Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for bunker oil pollution damage
  • Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for oil pollution damage
  • Enhanced survey report file
  • Record of oil discharge monitoring and control system for the last ballast voyage
  • Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control (ODMC) Operational Manual
  • Cargo Information
  • Ship Structure Access Manual
  • Bulk Carrier Booklet
  • Crude Oil Washing Operation and Equipment Manual (COW Manual)
  • Condition Assessment Scheme (CAS) Statement of Compliance, CAS Final Report and Review Record
  • Subdivision and stability information
  • Document of Approval for Stability Instrument
  • HBL (Hydrostatic Balanced Loading) Operation Manual
  • STS Operation Plan and Records of STS Operations
  • VOC Management Plan
  • International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk (NLS Certificate)
  • Cargo record book
  • Procedures and Arrangements Manual (P & A Manual)
  • Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan for Noxious Liquid Substances
  • Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
  • International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
  • Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk
  • International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk
  • Document of compliance with the special requirements for ships carrying dangerous goods
  • Dangerous goods manifest or stowage plan
  • International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of INF Cargo
  • A Nuclear Cargo Ship Safety Certificate or Nuclear Passenger Ship Safety Certificate, in place of the Cargo Ship Safety Certificate or Passenger Ship Safety Certificate, as appropriate.
  • Maintenance plans
As per ILO Convention
  • Maritime Labour Certificate (MLC)
  • Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Part I (DMLC I) set up by Flag State Authority
  • Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Part II (DMLC II)
  • Certificate of Compliance for ILO 92
  • Certificate of Compliance for ILO 133
  • Medical Certificate for ILO 73
  • Load Test Certificate for ILO 152
  • Register Book for ILO 152
Not mandatory
  • Special Purpose Ship Safety Certificate
  • Offshore Supply Vessel Document of Compliance
  • Certificate of Fitness for Offshore Support Vessels
  • Diving System Safety Certificate
  • Dynamically Supported Craft Construction and Equipment Certificate
  • Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit Safety Certificate
Marpol Electronic Record Books
  • Requirements
  • Approval
  • Installation on Board
  • Port State Control
  • Recommendations
  • IMO related Circulars


Exam & Certification

  • Exam on Certificates & Documents on board ships
  • ''Certificates & Documents on board ships'' Certificate
Teaching Methods
  • Detailed seminar presentations (available for download)
  • No. of slides: 238


  • Reading lists and resources available in presentations


Study time allocation
  • Private study hours: 27
  • Trainer contact hours: Availability and competence of instructors upon request
  • Enrollment duration: 90 days (from the date of purchase)
  • CPD Points: 27
  • ECTS/ECVET Points: 0.9


Assessment methods


% contribution to final mark

% Minimum passing grade

Exam on Certificates & Documents on board ships





Upon successful completion of the course assessment, participants will be issued with a ‘Certificate of Success’.




   100% Online course
   CPD Accredited eCertificate – Global acceptance
   Downloadable course material
   E-learning Mobile App
   Enrolment: 3 months
   Flexible schedule
   Language: English

150,00 € each

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