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Basic Safety Training - Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities (Model Course 1.21)

Seafarers employed or engaged in any capacity on board ship on the business of that ship as part ship’s complement with designated safety or pollution-prevention duties in the operation of the ship shall, before being assigned to any shipboard duties:

a) Receive appropriate approved basic training or instruction in:

  • personal survival techniques as set out in table A-VI/1-1
  • Fire prevention and firefighting as set out in Table A-VI/1-2
  • elementary first aid as set out in Table A-VI/1-3; and 
  • personal safety and social responsibilities as set out in Table A-VI /1-4

b) be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of tables A-VI/1-1, A-VI/1-2, A-VI/1-3, and A-VI/1-4 through:

  • demonstration of their competence and 
  • examination or continuous assessment as part of an approved training program


Our Personal Safety & Social Responsibilities course is prepared according to the requirements included in the IMO model course 1.21 and includes certification and exam.



Aims & Objectives
  • to provide the participant with the required training as per Section A-VI/1-4 of the Code STCW 95 as amended
  • The course follows the structure of IMO Model course 1.21


Learning Outcomes

Having successfully completed this course you will be able to:

  • Comply with Emergency Procedures
  • Take Precautions to prevent pollution
  • Observe Safe Working Practices
  • Contribute to effective communication on board ship
  • Contribute to effective human relationships on board ship
  • Understand and take necessary actions to control fatigue
  • Cover the required objectives of IMO Model Course 1.21


Who should attend?
  • Beginners to sea service
  • Seafarers requesting refresh of their Knowledge on Personal Survival Techniques as required every 5 years by STCW and TMSA 3 for continuous evaluation of seafarer’s competence
  • Marine Technicians seeking  Seaman’s book


Prerequisite skills & knowledge:
  • As per all Basic Safety Training related courses, this course is open to all seafarers who are prepared to serve on board sea-going merchant ships and there are no particular educational requirements for them.
  • Recommended Age is 18 years or more
Relative conventions: STCW 95 Convention


Available in-house/distant learning? Yes


Created by: LiberoAssurance Continuous Professional Development Training Centre Level 1, Accrdited by Univab


Port Facility Personnel with Designated Security Duties:


  • Requirements of the STCW
  • Objective of the course


  • Importance of the Course 
  • Ship familiarization


Comply with Emergency Procedures
  • Types of emergency which may occur, such as collision, fire, foundering   
    • Emergency Term       
  • Knowledge of shipboard contingency plans for response to emergencies  
  • Emergency signals and specific duties allocated to crew members in the muster list; muster station; correct use of personal safety equipment
    • Emergency signals    
    • Emergency duties allocated to crew members in the muster list; muster stations
    • Correct use of personal safety equipment    
  • Actions to take on discovering potential emergency
    • Action in the event of fire       
    • Action in case of Abandon ship         
    • Action in case of person overboard   
    • Samples of Proposed Emergency Actions   
  • Action to take on hearing emergency alarm signals 
  • Value and need of drills and training 
    • Training          
    • Practice drills  
  • Knowledge of escape routes and internal communication and alarm systems       
    • Communication General        
      • Fundamentals of communication
      • Barriers of communication
      • Reasons of communication barriers
      • Overcoming the barriers of language
      • Essential communications
      • Effective transmission skills   
    • Location & Operation 
      • Maritime Communication System
      • Navigation Assist Radio System       
      • Maritime Distress Safety System
    • Emergency Escape Routes
    • Citadel On Board


Take Precautions To Prevent Pollution Of The Marine Environment
  • Basic knowledge of the impact of shipping on the marine environment and the effects of operational or accidental pollution
    • Basic knowledge of the impact of shipping on the marine environment      
    • Effects of the operational or accidental pollution of the marine environment           
  • Basic environmental protection procedures  
    • International measures for pollution prevention, pollution avoidance and containment of pollutants        
    • Pollution by sewage from ships
    • Pollution by garbage from ships
    • Control of oil discharge from ships    
    • Contents of Oil and Garbage Record Books
    • Introduction to the contents of Annex VI of MARPOL          
  • Basic knowledge of complexity and diversity of the marine environment
Observe Safe Working Practices
  • Importance of adhering to safe working practices at all times 80
    • Discipline  
    • Types of various shipboard hazards
  • Safety and protective devices available to protect against potential hazard aboard ship
    • Ship familiarization           
    • Nature of Shipboard Hazards      
    • Personal protective equipment    
    • Life-saving appliances     
    • Fire-fighting appliances    
    • Medical equipment          
    • Oil spill equipment
    • Personal protective equipment    
  • Precautions to be taken prior to entering enclosed spaces        
    • Confined spaces  
    • Entry risks
  • Familiarization with international measures concerning accident prevention and occupational health
Contribute To Effective Communications On Board Ship
  • Understanding the principles of, and barriers to, effective communication between individuals and teams within the ship
    • Principles of communication
    • Methods of communication
    • Barriers to communication
      • The reasons of the communication barriers are:
      • Overcoming the barriers of language:
    • Essential communications
  • Ability to establish and maintain effective communications
    • Effective transmission skills
      • Transmitter
      • Receiver
      • Message
      • Feedback
    • Effective listening skills
    • Effects and consequences of ineffective communication
Contribute To Effective Human Relationship On Board Ship
  • Importance of maintaining good human and working relationships aboard ships
    • The individual 
    • Role    
    • Role conflict   
    • Status 
    • Status and the individual        
  • Basic team-working principles and practice, including conflict resolution    
    • Team Work    
    • Information     
    • Decisions       
    • Advice
    • Authority         
    • Responsibility 
    • Types of organizations on vessels    
    • Individual duties         
  • Social responsibilities; employment conditions; individual rights and obligations; dangers of drug and alcohol abuse 
    • Social responsibilities – rights and obligations of crew        
      • Obligations of crew members
      • Compliance with orders related to safety of ship
      • Place of performance of work
      • Right to go ashore     
      • Right of crew members to disembark
      • Bringing persons on board ship         
      • Bringing items on board ship, and loss of and damage to items      
      • Offensive conduct     
      • Effects of fatigue in safety matters    
    • Employments conditions        
      • Obligations of shipowners
      • Specification of payment of wages    
      • Right of master of ship to increase workload of crew members       
      • Crew member’s trip to location of ship and place of entry into seafarer’s employment contract          
      • Notifying crew members of organization of work
      • Habiliments    
      • Food and catering      
      • Accommodation        
      • Occupational health and safety requirements
      • Verification of seaworthiness of ship at crew member’s request
    • Drugs and alcohol      
      • Narcotics        
      • Weed  
      • Anxiety           
      • Hallucinogens
      • Inhalants         
      • Depressives   
      • Sedatives       
      • Stimulants      
      • Caffeine         
      • Nicotine          
      • Alcohol           
      • Alcoholic Person
      • Detoxify

Understand And Take Necessary Actions To Control Fatigue

  • Importance of obtaining the necessary rest  
    • Causes of Fatigue      
    • Crew-specific Factors
    • Management Factors (ashore and aboard ship)
    • Ship-specific Factors 
    • Environmental Factors          
  • Effects of sleep, schedules and the circadian rhythms on fatigue    
    • Biological Clock and Circadian Rhythm
  • Effects of physical stressors on seafarers
  • Effects of environmental stressors on seafarers
  • Effects of schedule changes on seafarers fatigue
    • Consequences of fatigue       
    • Fatigue mitigation and management for individuals  
    • Recording hours of work and rest
Exam & Certification
  • Exam on Basic Safety Training – Personal Safety & Social Responsibilities
  • “Basic Safety Training – Personal Safety & Social Responsibilities” Certificate
Teaching Methods
  • Detailed seminar e-book (available for download)
  • No. of pages: 124


  • Reading lists and resources available in presentations


Study time allocation
  • Private study hours:58
  • Trainer contact hours: Availability and competence of instructors upon request
  • Enrollment duration: 90 days (from the date of purchase)


  • CPD Points:58
  • ECTS/ECVET Points:1.9


Assessment methods


% contribution to final mark

% Minimum passing grade

Exam on Basic Safety Training – Personal Safety & Social Responsibilities





Upon successful completion of the course assessment, participants will be issued with a ‘Certificate of Success’.


   100% Online course
   CPD Accredited eCertificate – Global acceptance
   Downloadable course material
   E-learning Mobile App
   Enrolment: 3 months
   Flexible schedule
   Language: English


170,00 € each

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