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Vasileios Lymperopoulos


Vasileios Lymperopoulos joined LiberoGroup on 2010 with a background of Mechanical Engineer. Over the years since 2011, vasileios has been appointed Deputy Registrar under a number of International ship registries. Since 2013 he has worked as Certification Manager of LiberoAssurance - LiberoGroup affiliate company – that obtained accreditation from Hellenic Accreditation System (ESYD), the International Accreditation Service of United States (IAS) and Accredited Auditing firm (ASI). Being a lead management System Auditor for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, ISO 45001, ISO 39001, ISO 22301, ISO 41001, ISO 55001, ISO 37001 as well as Appointed Flag State Surveyor, Auditor for ISM-ISPS-MLC and Statutory Certification.

Vasileios has deep Knowledge in Auditing, Training and Surveying, Accident Investigator, Certified Designated Person Ashore (DPA) and he has performed audits on Maritime Training Centres and Recognized Organizations on behalf Maritime Administrations.