This training course equips participants with an extensive understanding of the ISPS Code and its requirements based on model course 3.20 & 3.19. Upon successful completion, the trainees will be able to acquire qualification as Company Security Officer (CSO) and Ship Security Officer (SSO).
Built your knowledge, understanding and proficiency as required by STCW 2010 and the ISPS Code to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities as Company Security Officer (CSO) or Ship Security Officer (SSO).
The course also provides certified Security Knowledge for the crew responsible for the security and safety of your ships and is a helpful tool for shipping companies to ensure compliance with ISPS Code.
Company Security Officer (CSO) is in accordance with the standard of competence as outlined in the Guidelines on Training and Certification for Company Security Officers issued as Annex of MSC/Circ.1154 and the IMO Model Course 3.20.
Ship Security Officer (SSO) is in accordance with the Mandatory Minimum Requirements for the Issue of Certificates of Proficiency for Ship Security Officers, set out in section A-VI/5, paragraphs 1 to 4 of the STCW 78, as amended and the IMO Model Course 3.19.